Well, big news today as Oracle announces the acquisition of BEA. It seems like in a few years there will be 4 software companies: Oracle, Google, IBM and Microsoft. Everyone else will be gobbled up by one of these behemoths. It seems like Microsoft has been outpaced by the others in the acquisition game lately, but maybe I'm just not hearing about as many from them. For me personally, the Oracle/BEA thing will change my competitive landscape, since I tend to bump into BEA products from time to time. I'm hoping that the Oracle name will create pause for customers though, as I saw happen when they acquired Tangosol. I spoke with a couple of our customers that were considering Tangosol but then abandonded it when it became Oracle. Then there were others that would buy just about anything with the Oracle name attached to it. So upon further reflection, I'll venture out on a limb and say that the Oracle name seems to polarize people: you either love them or you hate them.
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